
Play Dates

May 29        Minneapolis, MN        PARKWAY THEATER

The Man Who Fell to Earth Play Dates

Illustration by Keiko Kimura


United Kingdom, 1976
Director: Nicolas Roeg
Producer: Michael Deeley, Barry Spikings
Cast: David Bowie, Rip Torn, Candy Clark, Buck Henry
Screenwriter: Paul Mayersberg
Based on the novel by Walter Tevis
Cinematography: Anthony Richmond, B.S.C
Music: John Phillips
Genre: Science Fiction, Drama
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 (Panavision)
Language: English
Running Time: 140 minutes

Thomas Jerome Newton (David Bowie) crashes to Earth and immediately registers a series of world-changing patents in an effort to return to his parched planet and dying family. But will the authorities let him go?

Reviews and Quotes 2

"Science fiction drama, Western, love story, metaphysical mystery, and satire of modern America."
— Graham Fuller

— Richard Eder, The New York Times

"A science fiction film without science, a terrestrial space opera minus matte shots, models, or pyrotechnics that leaves us not wondering at the stars but grieving for ourselves."
— Robert Lloyd

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