Keiko Kimura

Illustrator Keiko Kimura's work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, advertising, movie posters and on everything from teacups to the side of a Tokyo department store. The turning point of her career came with drawings in Figaro Japon depicting strong women. Her children's book Mimiko sorede iindayo (Mimiko, It's OK) was published in Japan in 2007.

For Rialto, Keiko has created posters for The RunnerDiary of a ChambermaidElevator to the GallowsMasculine Feminine, The Crime of Monsieur LangeMafiosoArmy of ShadowsMade in U.S.A.RanThe GraduateThe Man Who Fell to EarthLast Year at Marienbad, La Notte, and Hiroshima Mon Amour.

See her work
Keiko Kimura Rialto poster gallery
Keiko Kimura website
Tokyo Illustrators Society

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